Introduction to HaxeFlixel – Part 3: Hello World

So far, we have setup the Haxe/HaxeFlixel environment and installed Sublime Text for our code. Let’s begin with the most basic, a “Hello World” HaxeFlixel project.

To create a project, you will need to use Command Prompt (or Terminal in OSX). To edit your project’s source code files, you will be using Sublime Text.

All the instructions you need are included in this page alone:


Note: your sample game project size may not be exact, but as long as the result is similar, then you’re fine.

At the end of the page, you would have accomplished the following:

  1. Create a template HaxeFlixel project
  2. Added a “Hello World” text on the top-left of the game screen
  3. Build and test the game

And that’s really all you need to know as a basis to begin building your game, really. In our next post, we shall begin a series of tutorials for making our first game.

Introduction to HaxeFlixel – Part 2: Editor Setup

You will need an editor to code your games in, similar to how Visual Studio can be used to write C++. You can literally use the default Notepad software to write your code, but if you prefer Intellisense/Auto-completion and color coded text, then I highly recommend Sublime Text.

Sublime Text’s attractive feature to me is the cross-compatibility (Windows, OSX and Linux) and it’s abundance of plugin packages. One of the plugins is the “Haxe Sublime Bundle”, which allows Sublime to perform auto-completion on your Haxe projects.

Before you can install plugins on Sublime Text, you will need to install the feature. Visit this page and follow the instructions here:

Once you have the plugin feature (a.k.a. Package Control), you can press ctrl+shift+p  (Windows,Linux) or cmd+shift+p  (OSX) to open the command palette:

ss4Choose “Package Control: Install Package”. It will take a moment for Sublime to download the list of plugins, but once it’s done, you’ll see a new list in the command palette:

ss5Type “Haxe” and you’ll see the first result appearing — the Haxe Sublime Text Bundle plugin. Click on it to install. Now you’re ready to start coding with some convenience of auto-completion and color coding.

If you dislike Sublime Text and want to consider other Editors you could use, check out the page below:

In the next post, we shall begin our journey in the world of HaxeFlixel game development. Stay tuned!

Introduction to HaxeFlixel – Part 1: Haxe Setup

haxe-logoIf you’re completely new to Haxe, you will have to setup the environment and install the necessary libraries first. Follow the steps on the link below.

In a nutshell, if you only want to use HaxeFlixel to make your game, you will need to install the first four things on the list written in the page — Haxe, Lime, OpenFL and HaxeFlixel.

If you’re on Linux or OSX, you do not need to follow steps 4 and 5 (installing FlashDevelop and Flash Debug Player). We will be using Sublime Text as a replacement, which will be covered in the next post. Stay tuned!

Introduction to HaxeFlixel – Part 0: About HaxeFlixel

haxeflixelIf you’re interested in HaxeFlixel, then you probably already know what it is. Otherwise, check out these page and see for yourself if it interests you:

Main webpage:

About HaxeFlixel:

Demos (what HaxeFlixel is capable of):

Stack Overflow article (Great answer by SeiferTim regarding what OpenFL and HaxeFlixel is/does):

In a nutshell, HaxeFlixel is the result of using the Haxe programming language, using the OpenFL library, and enhanced with the Flixel (the Actionscript version) framework.

Before we begin, let me point you to a few other places where you can get more HaxeFlixel guidance. The tutorials in the websites below are much more complete than what is written here (at the moment), so feel free to check out those links before returning here.

If you’re unsure if HaxeFlixel is for you, check out Will Blanton’s Part Zero section “Is HaxeFlixel for me?” or StrandedSoft’s “A Love Letter to HaxeFlixel” page.

A full HaxeFlixel tutorial by Will Blanton:

A Haxe blog (with various tutorials) by Kirill Poletaev:

A game development blog which has a tutorial series using HaxeFlixel:

Update (May 29 2015): Diego Machado has compiled an awesome list of HaxeFlixel info and resources on his Github page. Perfect starting place for beginners. 😀

In the next post, we shall go through setting up the HaxeFlixel environment.